Practice Questions |
Please solve the following questions. This is not an assignment, it will not be graded, and you do not need to submit your solutions to anyone. The questions are simply intended to help you practice for the exam. These questions will not appear in the exam itself. Students who don't genuinely attempt to solve the questions on their own, and only memorize the solutions, will have a very hard time in the actual exam! These questions are not multiple-choice, to encourage you to think of the answers on your own, but the questions in the actual exam will be multiple-choice. If you need any clarifications for these questions, you can ask for them on the course Teams channel. |
Question 1What is Mercury's distance from the Sun? Question 2Does Mercury have a metal core, like Earth does? Question 3Why does Mercury not experience seasons? Question 4Among Earth, Venus, and Mars, which two planets are closest in their physical characteristics (mass, diameter, and so on)? Question 5Why is the temperature on Venus so hot? Question 6Which planet is potentially more suitable to life, Venus or Mars? Question 7Studying and exploring other planets is an important endeavor, even just for pure knowledge and curiosity, but also for colonization in the far future. But can you think about some possible practical applications that are relevant today? Question 8What is the difference between gas giants and ice giants? Question 9Why does Uranus experience seasons differently than other planets? Question 10Which of the outer planets has the longest period of rotation around the Sun, and why? Question 11What are the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn composed of? Question 12What is Saturn's hexagon? Question 13What is the Great Red Spot? Question 14Which of the outer planets has the smallest numbers of known moons? Question 15How is Pluto categorized, and why? Question 16What kind of tails does a comet have? Which directions do they point towards, and why? Question 17Where do most comets come from? Question 18What are centaurs? |
WARNING: Do not view the solutions before you make a genuine attempt to solve the questions! Figuring out the answers on your own is an extremely important part of the learning process, and will help you understand the material better. Merely memorizing the solutions will not help you succeed in the test! I attempted to solve all the questions myself, give me access to the solutions!