ASTR 1P01/02: Introduction to Astronomy I/II
Practice Questions

Please solve the following questions. This is not an assignment, it will not be graded, and you do not need to submit your solutions to anyone. The questions are simply intended to help you practice for the exam.

These questions will not appear in the exam itself. Students who don't genuinely attempt to solve the questions on their own, and only memorize the solutions, will have a very hard time in the actual exam!

These questions are not multiple-choice, to encourage you to think of the answers on your own, but the questions in the actual exam will be multiple-choice.

If you need any clarifications for these questions, you can ask for them on the course Teams channel.

Question 1

What is there more in space between stars, gas or dust?

Question 2

What do the following notations represent: Li I, C II, O III?

Question 3

Is H III a valid atom?

Question 4

Why do H II regions glow?

Question 5

Why are H II regions rare?

Question 6

How is the 21 cm line produced?

Question 7

What is the difference between emission, absorption, and reflection nebulae?

Question 8

What is interstellar extinction?

Question 9

Are cosmic rays the same as light rays?

Question 10

In the Milky Way, what kind of interstellar matter occupies the smallest volume?

Question 11

What is a baryon?

Question 12

What are the Local Bubble and Local Fluff?

Question 13

What are the steps of star formation?

Question 14

What is a T Tauri star?

Question 15

What are jets, and how are they related to HH objects?

Question 16

How does a protostar's mass affect the location, duration, and shape of its path to the main sequence in the H-R diagram?

Question 17

How hot does a star's core need to be in order to fuse hydrogen? What happens if a protostar fails to reach this temperature?

Question 18

Explain what it means for the star to be in equilibrium, and how this affects the star throughout its life, in particular with relation to the main sequence stage and the transition to the red giant stage.

Question 19

What happens when a star can no longer fuse hydrogen in its core?

Question 20

What are red supergiants, and where do they come from?

Question 21

How does helium fusion work?

Question 22

What is a helium flash? Does it happen in every star?

Question 23

In which stage of its life will a star with mass similar to the Sun have the hottest temperature? What about highest luminosity?

Question 24

What is a planetary nebula? Under what circumstances is it created? What makes it glow?

Question 25

What kind of stars can fuse elements heavier than helium?

Question 26

What is stellar nucleosynthesis?

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