Practice Test |
Please solve the following questions. This is not a real exam, it will not be graded, and you do not need to submit your solutions to anyone. The questions are simply intended to help you practice for the real exam. These questions will not appear in the exam itself. Students who don't genuinely attempt to solve the questions on their own, and only memorize the solutions, will have a very hard time in the actual exam! This sample exam is online, but the real exam will be given in person, at a time and place indicated on the course website. THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL EXAM! If you need any clarifications for these questions, you can ask for them on the course Teams channel. |
Question 1The giant planets are... Question 2What are Trans-Neptunian objects? Question 3Which of the following planets has been explored the least by spacecraft? Question 4Is the largest planet in the solar system also the most massive? Question 5So far, spacecraft sent by humans have explored... Question 6Which of the following layers of the Sun is the highest? Question 7Where in the solar system have humans visited in person? Question 8The inner planets are... Question 9What was the purpose of the Cassini-Huygens mission? Question 10Is the least dense planet in the solar system also the least massive? Question 11What is the purpose of the planned Artemis III mission? Question 12What is the fastest human-made spacecraft? Question 13When should we expect the most sunspots? Question 14Which state of matter is the Sun in? Question 15Which planets in the solar system have moons? Question 16The last astronauts to walk on the Moon were from... Question 17How is a dwarf planet defined by the IAU? Question 18What was the purpose of the DART mission? Question 19Which planet has the largest orbital eccentricity? Question 20When was planet Earth created? Question 21I have 800 g of a radioactive material with a half-life of 4 months. How much mass will remain from the original material after 1 year? Question 22How close to the Sun will the Parker Solar Probe get? Question 23What was the purpose of the MESSENGER mission? Question 24I have 800 g of a radioactive material with a half-life of 6 months. How much mass will remain from the original material after 1 year? Question 25Which planets in the solar system do not have rings?